At Bluehost, we aim to enable our customers by providing the best products and services to manage their website needs while they continue to grow their businesses with ease. 

Our all-new Managed Services add-on with our Dedicated Servers & VPS Hosting provides you with the flexibility to focus on your business while we manage your server. The service aims to offer on-demand customised solutions, excellent technical support, unmatched service quality and complete management of your server by our server specialists. 

All-in-all our expert technical team takes care of your server setup, monitoring, maintenance, migration, server hardening, and much more as per your needs. 

Along with this, our in-house experts are available 24/7 as per your need to address your concerns. You can easily get in touch with us through phone or chat, and we’ll make sure to resolve all your queries promptly. 

Benefits of Managed Services 

Although self-managed hosting might seem flexible over managed hosting services, the latter is more beneficial for businesses in the long run. Simply put, managed services allow you the time and resources to ensure all your server needs are met so that your server runs smoothly round the clock. 

Furthermore, our proactive technical support team takes care of server setup, migration, pre-hardening of the server and security, monitoring and maintenance, as well as, security, upgrades and optimisation. Additionally, you get full root access to your server thereby you have complete control of your server and can self-monitor it too.  

Our Managed Dedicated Servers and Managed VPS Hosting come with a range of products and services to optimise and monitor the performance of your server while you scale your business. 

Server & Application setup, including:

  • Server, FTP client, DNS, and Email client setup
  • PHP module, SSL, and 3rd Party installation
  • Site migration, Server rebuild, and Web server configuration 
  • MySQL and PHP version upgrade 

Security services, including:

  • Server hardening, Patching and Security audit 
  • Setup local backup and Content recovery 
  • Email spam review and Process IP delist 
  • Firewall rule configuration

Optimisation services, including:

  • Apache and MySQL optimisation 
  • Database management
  • Permission ownership and Disk space audit 
  • PHP configuration changes
  • Advanced performance analysis 

and much more!

Managed Services are available with Dedicated Server or VPS Hosting plans.   



H. Fatima used to be an Engineer by profession and Writer by passion until she started pursuing full-time digital marketing. She is presently a Content Marketeer at Newfold Digital (APAC). She mostly writes what she deeply perceives and analyses, it is her way of unwinding. Her interests include writing, reading, watching foreign-language cinema and public speaking.

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