What is a DNS zone?

A DNS zone is a portion of the DNS namespace that is managed by a specific organization or administrator. When a web browser or network device needs to find the IP address for a domain name, it performs a DNS lookup – essentially a DNS zone check – A common mistake is to associate a DNS zone with a domain name or a single DNS server. In fact, a DNS zone can contain multiple subdomains and multiple zones can exist on the same server.

You can add and edit a DNS zone from your WHM panel in a few simple steps.

Watch the video below to know more,

How to add new DNS zones

  1. Start by logging into your WHM panel. Search for ‘DNS Function’. Under this, select the option ‘Add a DNS Zone’
  2. This will take you to the ‘Add a DNS Zone’ page. Here, you will have to enter the IP address and Domain name for which you want to create the DNS zone. Scroll down and click on the ‘Add Zone’ button and that’s it! you have now created a new DNS Zone.

How to edit existing DNS zone

  1. Under ‘DNS Function’, select the ‘Edit DNS Zone’ option This will take you to the ‘Edit DNS Zone’ page. In the search bar, enter the DNS zone you want to edit. Once you find the zone, select it and click on ‘Edit’
  2. On the ‘Edit DNS Zone’ page, you can edit the already updated DNS records, or create and add any DNS record, like A or MX records. Once you have made the necessary changes, click on ‘Save’

With this, you will have edited your DNS zone.

If you still need more help, then please chat with us.


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